Instagram: Click here for proof
-I currently have 62 likes
-I also currently have 8 comments
-I have more than 9000 followers, so I must have more views
-let's say about 100 views total
Twitter : Here's the site, but you can't see the proof
-I posted the link, but no one actually commented or favorite
-So I decided to message people individually (about 5 people responded)
-I have more than 8000 followers, but I don't know if they saw my post (probably not)
-Let's round it to 8 views total
Google+: Click here for proof
-I posted it and it has 3 likes/comments
-So 3 views total
Wechat: Don't have the link (watch video)
-I have 1 comment only
-But I have 32 friends on wechat
-let's say 2 views total
Facebook: Don't have the link (watch video)
-I have 12 comments
-and I have 15 likes (But I haven't checked in a while)
-I have about 200 friends
-Let's say 20 views
Other networking forum: Random site I found
-I had a lot less a few days ago
-a lot of comments are positive
-One was quite negative. Here it is below.
"Hello. My name is Tin and I think you might actually be older than me on this site, but in case im wrong, im going to pretend youre new. Bear with me, alright? :/
There is already a thread for poetry in the hobbies section, so please stop making new threads and also, don't get too bummed out if everyone doesn't just jump up at once to edit your stuff. It takes time for people to want to get involved with a new kid (no? Yes? Whatever). Id try to make an intro thread in the introductions section, that is.
As far as your poem goes. It doesn't feel honest. The actual writing is a bit rough but theres potential and the structure is decent, but overall you just sound like you're forcing these hard, cold, pseudo-philosophical questions and they irk me. Yes this is harsh, but I can tell when people aren't honest in their poetry and your stuff just feels like somebody else wrote it for you. If you find none of that true, you just need to keep working on it. Edit it. Try to give yourself a different topic or type of poetry and get out of your comfort zone. It'll make you a better writer, I can assure you.
Basically it just wasn't great and there's always a reason for that. If you have to write from a certain place inside yourself to get that honest or touchy feely or relateable edge, do it. Or go in from a different angle, but I don't know. It was good, it just could've been better. Again I apologize for the harshness, but is that what you were looking for?"
-Yes, this "Tin" guy wrote a paragraph message for me...
-Here's a picture of the 253 views total (I might get even more in a few days :P)
-You can see I used a fake name :) Good for me
-I asked around 25 people to read my poem
-So 25 views total
TOTAL NUMBER OF VIEWS: 100+8+3+2+20+253+25=411 views